
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us using the form below, we will try to get back to you within 24 hours

6360 Wilshire Blvd Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90048
support [at]


We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions. Please see if your question is answered here, and if it's not then by all means email us.


General questions

What is makes it easy to find verified American students for all sorts of jobs. There's a huge problem with outsourcing jobs overseas. The result is a low quality of work, lots of wasted time, and lots of frustration. Enter StudentFreelance, where you can hire students to do the job, speak to someone that understands you, and get the job done for a fraction of the cost.

How do I change my account settings?

Account Settings can be found by clicking the drop down icon at the end of the toolbar.

Is it free?

YES! Doesn't cost a thing.

I'm having trouble signing in or posting a job. How come?

You probably don't have cookies enabled in your browser. Change your browser settings to allow cookies.

Where do I read my messages?

Two ways: Inbox (button is in toolbar) or from the job page. If a job is awarded, you can also access messages from your home page.

What is group messaging?

Group messages can only be initiated by the person that posted the job. He can use group messaging to collaborate with students when more than one has been hired for the same job.

I'm having trouble signing up.

If you're a first time visitor and looking to hire American students, you must post a job to sign up. Start by clicking on Hire Students from the homepage.

If you're a first time visitor and looking for work, then you need to verify that you're a student. There are two ways to do so. You can sign up using your school assigned email (ex. and you'll be sent a link that you need to click on to confirm. The second way is to sign up with Facebook, but your Facebook account must first be part of a school network (high school students can only sign up this way). A school network on Facebook can be added by going to Account Settings, then clicking on Edit next to Networks.

I still have questions.

Send us your questions using the contact form on the Support page, or email support [at]

Hiring on StudentFreelance

How do I hire students?

By posting a job. You can post a job by clicking Hire Students from the homepage ( or by clicking on Post Job from the top navigation menu when you're signed in.

You must post a job to sign up as a non student.

How do I see jobs I've posted?

All the jobs you post are shown on your home page.

How do I manage a job?

You can see all applicants, message students, and award the job by going to the actual job page. You can also modify the job, such as add to job description or cancel the job from this page.

How do I award a job?

You can award a job to as many students as you'd like from the job page.

How long do jobs stay open for?

Your job stays open until you award it, cancel it, or 30 days go by. When you award the job, you can keep the job open so more students can apply or close the job to stop receiving more proposals.

How do I cancel a job post I made?

From the job page, the cancel option is under the modify job button.

Where do I read what people had to say about the student I'm thinking of hiring, student feedback?

Feedback can only be submitted by people that have hired the student. All feedback can be found in the student's profile. Their overall rating is shown with the student's proposal.

How do I message students?

You can contact a student that's submitted a proposal to your job by clicking on the envelope icon (located inside his proposal).

You can also send a message to a student from his/her profile

All messages can be read from Inbox, found in the toolbar.

When you award a job, the message envelope shows up under the job title on your home page. You can initiate a group message to contact all students that you've hired for the same job.

Providing services

How do I find jobs?

Jobs that match your profile are sent to you. So, make sure you have the right location and skills selected.

How do I select which skills I receive job notifications for?

To add skills to your profile, go to Edit Profile from the drop down icon in the toolbar. Then select a category from the right side of the page to select skills under that category.

To stop receiving job notifications for a specific skill, go to Account Settings.

How do I edit my profile?

Edit Profile can be found by clicking the drop down icon at the end of the toolbar.

Where do I see jobs I've applied to?

All the jobs you've applied to are shown on your home page.

How do I change a proposal I made?

As a student, you can change any proposal you make from the actual job page. From there, you can edit or withdraw your proposal up until the time the job is closed or your proposal is selected.

I can't find my school. Do you have it in your database?

We can add your school to our database if we don't already have it. Just email us (support [at] your school name from your school assigned email address.